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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday, Softball, Fashionable Spiders, and Strep

It's funny how your day can take a completely different course than you expected, nothing going quiet the way you anticipated, making you question both your planning techniques and your very existence, before it's even 11AM.
This morning, we were supposed to get up and take Imma to softball practice.  I was supposed to quickly and easily list my six new tutus on Etsy, and Imma has a birthday party to attend this afternoon.  We'll see about that last one when the time comes.
Imma coughed most of the night.  Since Lucy was just diagnosed with strep on Tuesday we decided to call the doctor this morning.  Rather than going to softball, she went to the doctor with Brian and we were told that it does not look like she has strep at this time.  They went ahead and sent a sample off just to be sure.  It's good that they don't think she has strep but it's bad that we don't know exactly why she's coughing so much.  They did go ahead and give her an antibiotic so hopefully she'll be feeling better soon and will be able to go to softball on Tuesday. Still not sure if she should go to the birthday party. The doctor didn't think she was contagious but I would hate to take the chance.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I was in the process of listing my tutus for the spring line.  I decided that the two darker colored tutus were not showing up very well from the photos I was taking inside.  So, I took them and my mannequin outside to take a few quick photos. As I was switching tutus, I got a really sharp pain in my wrist. I was in a hurry so I just kept working but then I felt another sharp pain.  I looked down and a teeny tiny little black spider had sunk it's little fangs into my wrist--twice.  I squished it and finished up what I was doing but by the time I came inside a few minutes later, it was beginning to swell up. I'm very allergic to mosquitoes and those bites have gotten as big as softballs before so I'm a little worried about this little chomp-chomp in my wrist, especially since I have no idea what kind of spider it was and we have all kinds out here in the wilderness   country.  Hopefully the medicine I took will keep it at bay and it's nothing but I'd prefer it if the rest of the spiders just kept their distance! The first thought that entered my mind as I watched it start to swell was, "I sure hope it wasn't a baby black widow!"  The next thing I know, I'm imagining going outside to take some photos and ending up dead on the sidewalk. This is how my imagination works.
This is my wrist a few minutes after I was viciously attacked by a spider the size of a pin-head.  Can you see the white area in the middle where it's swollen? Now, it's about the size of a half-dollar.

I came inside and finished posting most of the things that needed posting, the "crippling" pain in my wrist subsiding as I played with my little pretty girl. Lucy is definitely feeling better. She's been a little spunky comic this morning.  Right now, she is taking a nice relaxing bath, because that's what you do on a Saturday morning when you're two. The dogs are outside enjoying the sunshine and I've gotten some things done, though I still have a lot of work to do.  Who knows where the rest of the day will take us but I hope it turns out to be a good one, since it is the last Saturday of spring break.
What are you doing today? Have you had a day turn out completely different than you anticipated and if so, how did you handle it?

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