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Monday, March 4, 2013

Planning a Birthday Party: I Only Have Three Months!

If you don't know this about me, this may come as a shocker. I am a planner. I like to plan things. You're shocked aren't you.  I know, it's hard to believe.
Imma's birthday is June 13.  We will be having her birthday party a few weeks early because otherwise she won't be able to invite her friends from school so I was thinking the weekend before Memorial Day Weekend. Which is in about 3 months.
So I have a ton of planning to do.
Did I mention I like to plan?
I think we've decided to do Alice in Wonderland this year. At first I was thinking maybe she would like to do the Lizard of Poz but she's really in to Alice right now and I think that would be easier --although in a lot of ways it will also be harder.
I have a lot of great ideas and I've been looking at Pinterest, which sometimes makes it worse. But I need to start a list and get things organized so I can start doing things and checking them off.  I know the cake is going to be extremely important and I have some ideas but I don't know if I can make it happen without spending way too much!
Afte Imma's birthday, Lucy's is the next month so I kinda have to plan that at the same time, though we've decided not to do them together this year like we did last year. I've yet to come up with a theme for Lu. . . .
How do you go about planning your child(ren)'s birthday party?
Do you have any cool Alice in Wonderland ideas?
Alice is pondering what we should do for our party!  Courtesy of Disney


  1. We had a Mad Hatter's Tea Party for my daughter's birthday one year. Her birthday is on Halloween so she dressed up as Alice. My husband was the Mad Hatter and I was the March Hare.

    I used an old deck of cards to make The Playing Cards by cutting out legs, arms and heads and gluing them in between two cards. They were attached to string and used as a banner.

    1. I love the banner idea--thanks so much! How cute that y'all dressed up. I'm sure she loved that. Definitely stealing your planning cards/banner idea!
      Thank you!

    2. No problem :) Glad you like my idea.
