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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Teacher Conference

Today was our first ever parent-teacher conference when I was playing the role of "parent" and not"teacher." It was odd to be on the other side of the desk!
I told Imma's teacher about the report we got from ECI. I asked her about some of the things I wasn't able to discuss yesterday that maybe she would know since she sees Imma interacting with other kids. Some of the things that I told them I didn't know about she has actually seen Imma do, so that was nice. But there are still a lot of areas on her progress report still marked as "Not mastered." These are things that should be mastered by the end of the year so I wasn't too upset that she hasn't mastered all of them. Also, some of the things she doesn't do at school, she definitely does at home--like "completes a 4-5 piece puzzle." Uhm, everyday when she gets home she does a 52 piece puzzle so I know she can do that!
I was having a really rough time with the report yesterday (if you couldn't tell) but I also found out today just how much support we really have down here. Our prayer group prayed for Imma this morning (which made me bawl), my good friends were ready with hugs, and one of my co-workers who has been kinda like a mom to me the last yearish had so many supportive things to say over lunch today. It was really helpful and it made me realize that just because my real family is far away, it doesn't mean that we don't have the love and support we need when we are going through a rough time.
I also got a call from our church today. I have been trying to get Imma signed up for this week's Baby Dedication service this Sunday for a couple of months and they couldn't find our form. I'd been told we couldn't get her in this time. But I got a call today that she was added and we will be able to do the dedication Sunday. I'm really happy about this. I was beginning to feel like nothing was going right for my little Angel. So, if you live around here and you want to come on Sunday, it will be at the 11:00 service at Cottonwood Creek Baptist. Please let me know you're coming--we'd love to have some friends in the audience. It's a great church, though very, very big by my little Missouri country-church standards.
Last thing. Any of you who know Imma know that she does not name body parts. For literally years now we have been asking, "Imma, where's your nose? Where's your nose Imma? Imma, Imma? etc." Tonight she accidentally poked me in the eyebrow and said, "eye-bwowo!" Of all the body parts to start with. . . . but I will take it!

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