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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monday's Doctor Visit

I have been a terrible blogger lately. So sorry! I am having all kinds of laptop issues and then blogger wasn't cooperating. I am hoping all is good now!
Last Monday I had my third prenatal check-up. Everything still looks good. It took Dr. B. a long time to find the heartbeat but she finally did. My weight was exactly the same, which is awesome for me. I think with Imma I had already gained about 30 lbs., no joke. So the fact that I haven't gained any yet makes me really happy. And I've been eating whatever I want. I think it's the medicine that she gave me. It seems to help me digest everything and not let it sit there forever, not to be too descriptive.
We also had a parent meeting at the early childhood center last Monday. I was pretty anxious going in because I still hope that Imma doesn't qualify for any services but it helped that I knew both of the teachers that presented and they know Imma. One is even a Facebook friend! I think the test that they do is less heavy on the language portion so she shouldn't come across as "cognitively delayed." Still, I wish she would just choose to speak so we wouldn't have to worry about it anymore!
It has been really cold here lately. I am really ready for Spring!

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